Contour Foods for your Gut, Butt and Hips!

Contour foods are an amazing breakthrough in dietary science. I’ve been studying new science and I’m here to tell you that it is possible to target, trim and shape your body exactly the way you want it and reduce belly fat.

Sound crazy?

It’s not…

What are Fat Burning Contour Foods?

What are fat burning foods? These are foods scientifically proven to reduce your belly fat and help lose thigh fat. I wrote a blog about these amazing contour foods a few months ago, and now I’m going to give you the entire list of foods that will shape your body in exactly the way you want to.

  • Do YOU want to lose fat in certain places?
  • Do YOU want to know what the belly fat burning foods are?
  • Do YOU want to customize YOUR diet to get EXACTLY what YOU want out of it?

It CAN be done, and science has proven that it can be done.

If you want to reduce belly fat, all you have to do is incorporate more of the foods below into your diet…

I go into more detail about contour foods that reduce belly fat in my done for you diet program, The 17 Day Diet Body Breakthrough.

The Different Types of Body Fat

We pack on two forms of belly fat. One type collects around internal organs, known as visceral fat. This type of fat raises blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and increases the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and even some cancers. Visceral fat is far more sinister than fat elsewhere in the body.

The other type sits just under the skin and is known as subcutaneous abdominal fat. It causes a hard-to-get-rid-of belly pouch.

Reducing both of these types of fats in your body can be as simple as eating a different types of food.

Belly Fat Targeting Foods

Belly fat is notorious for being easy to put on and difficult to get rid of. For most people, it’s the first place they gain, and that means it’s the last pouch of fat to go away when they start to shed pounds.

That also means it’s the area of fat that people tend to be the most eager to get rid of. So it’s no surprise that most of my patients are interested in any edge they can get to shed those pesky pounds around the midsection.

Add more of these to your diet to spot target belly fat:

  • Nuts and Seeds
  • Avocados
  • Fish
  • Olive oil
  • Yogurt
  • Whole grains
  • Oatmeal
  • Brown rice
  • Wild rice
  • Barley
  • Whole-wheat pasta
  • Soy milk
  • Banana

Contour foods for Trimming fat from Thighs and Hips:

To shed pounds on your thighs and hips, the key is to increase* the amount of healthy fiber in your diet. You should aim for at least 26 grams of fiber per day. That’s within the daily recommended range for adults, but the fact is most people aren’t getting enough.

Add more of these foods to your diet for slimmer thighs and hips.





















Whole grain breads

Green beans


If you want to emerge from your diet shapelier than ever, try adding more of these foods into your diet. My diet system is one of the most customizable diets out there and will allow you to control your results.

My Body Breakthrough 4 Cycle Diet program  goes into detail about all of the benefits of contour foods so click the link to learn more.

If you’re looking to get started with your diet, grab my free 7 Simple Ways to lose weight e-book now! 


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